It takes a solid marketing foundation to really make your business flourish. And when you don't have the time, energy, or knowledge to nurture it, the results can be few and far between. I can help you cultivate your marketing efforts and get the results you need to grow your business.

Marketing strategy
No business is the same. That's why I create a tailored marketing strategy designed just for your business needs.

Lead generation & email marketing
You need to get your message out to potential customers. I can help you communicate with your current customers and gain additional leads.

copywriting & blogging
Any business owner wants their knowledge to be shared. Let me get your story out so you can be seen as an expert in your field.

social media management
It's all about connection. Get on board with social media to build relationships with more customers than ever before.

Your website is a digital representation of your business. I'll help you make sure it looks good, is easy to use, and resonates with your audience.

search engine optimization
It's not always easy getting your site found online. By optimizing your site, you can get right in front of your customers.
CHoose ME
I am an experienced marketer who has mastered everything from digital marketing to new product launches. I've even spent some time in product management creating new technologies that help people be more efficient.
My work has primarily been in B2B technology companies with a focus on agriculture and positioning. So, yeah, I can be creative, but I can also be technical too.
You don't have the time or focus for marketing
You want to speak to customers in their terms
You want to build brand awareness
You need to drive sales qualified leads
You need to grow your revenue

Let's Talk
Send me a note about your business and marketing needs. Let's grow your marketing efforts together.